
Before you swing a golf club, you must learn the 4 fundamentals - grip, posture, ball position and alignment.  No matter how experienced a golfer you are, these 4 fundamentals will always affect your game.  Therefore, you must pay full attention to these in order to maintain consistency.


The Grip Posture Ball Position

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Place the left hand (or the hand facing the target) on the club so the thumb is on the right side of the grip. Stand with feet at shoulder width.  Your body weight should be evenly distributed among your 2 legs. The ball should be slightly to the front foot.

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Check that there are 3 knuckles visible when you look from the top. Flex your knees. Lean slightly forward but maintain a straight back.

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Place the right hand on the grip so to from 2 'V's. Relax shoulders and neck muscles.

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Make sure the 2 'V's are pointing to your shoulders. Your feet should stand on a line parallel to the target line.

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Grip your club as if you are holding a fork and knife. Shoulders, thighs and  knees are also parallel to the line of target.


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